Monday, November 24, 2008

Check This Out!

I saw Mommy painting stuff yesterday, but I wasn't quite sure what she was up to. When I woke up this morning I started hanging out with my Nana, and before I knew it Mommy went into my room and started hammering. Whaddya' know...when Daddy took me in there later, I saw my name on my wall! Each letter is unique, so I love it and think that Mommy is pretty crafty. I sure am glad, because I can't wait to start finger painting and drawing!

Nana Stanton arrived last night, so I am getting spoiled and loving it. I am pretty sure something big is going to happen to me today though, I keep hearing them talk about "the pediatrician" and "shots". I am not sure what that means, but I guess I'll find out "appointment is at 10:45" least that's the word on the street!

Mommy finally put me in my cool Harley Davidson gown that Grandpa bought me! I think it's comfy, yet cool and stylish at the same time...don't you agree? I love it! Thank you Grandpa!

Have fun checking out my new pics...until next time, take it easy. Later Tator!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Look So Much Like My Mommy!

Check it out! That is my Mommy's hospital picture next to me on the first set, and the second set is my Mommy when she was 6 months old below a picture of me taken last week. Isn't it uncanny, the resemblance?!?! I am looking more like Daddy every day though, especially when I sleep. :-)

I Went To Kentucky!!

Wow--what a whirlwind of a few months! I will be 2 months old tomorrow and I am already a world traveler! I just got back from Kentucky and did you know that I have a HUGE family!?!? It is amazing how many people know me. I even have COUSINS! I loved hanging out with Courtney, Jordan, Ella and Anna. Ella and Anna are both born in September just like me...isn't that cool?
While we were in Kentucky, I honestly thought that my parents were nomads because we went so many places. I stayed at my Nana and PaPaw Stanton's house for 2 weeks, then went to my MaMaw and GrandDaddy Cavitt's house for a few days, then up to Grandma and Grandpa LaBelle's in Illinois for a few days, back to the Cavitt's, over to Gran-Gran and CotPaw's house for some visits, and over to cousin David and Jenn's house for a quick visit too! WHEW---it was crazy! I sure liked the plane ride though, I slept most of the way to and from Kentucky...16 hours total of layovers and flight time. I should have my own frequent flier miles by now!

I am also developing ahead of schedule according to Mommy...I can sit up unassisted, smile, laugh, and sleep all the way through the night. I slept 11 hours last night! Little does Mommy know...I'm only sleeping to store up energy for all of the running around I'm gonna' be doing pretty soon!

I hope you like the pictures of my adventures and all of the people I met. I loved the Autumn leaves in Kentucky beautiful!

PS--Mommy and Daddy got married while we were in Kentucky too! I am so excited!