Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Went To Kentucky!!

Wow--what a whirlwind of a few months! I will be 2 months old tomorrow and I am already a world traveler! I just got back from Kentucky and did you know that I have a HUGE family!?!? It is amazing how many people know me. I even have COUSINS! I loved hanging out with Courtney, Jordan, Ella and Anna. Ella and Anna are both born in September just like me...isn't that cool?
While we were in Kentucky, I honestly thought that my parents were nomads because we went so many places. I stayed at my Nana and PaPaw Stanton's house for 2 weeks, then went to my MaMaw and GrandDaddy Cavitt's house for a few days, then up to Grandma and Grandpa LaBelle's in Illinois for a few days, back to the Cavitt's, over to Gran-Gran and CotPaw's house for some visits, and over to cousin David and Jenn's house for a quick visit too! WHEW---it was crazy! I sure liked the plane ride though, I slept most of the way to and from Kentucky...16 hours total of layovers and flight time. I should have my own frequent flier miles by now!

I am also developing ahead of schedule according to Mommy...I can sit up unassisted, smile, laugh, and sleep all the way through the night. I slept 11 hours last night! Little does Mommy know...I'm only sleeping to store up energy for all of the running around I'm gonna' be doing pretty soon!

I hope you like the pictures of my adventures and all of the people I met. I loved the Autumn leaves in Kentucky beautiful!

PS--Mommy and Daddy got married while we were in Kentucky too! I am so excited!