Friday, April 3, 2009

Hello Again, Everyone!

Hey there everyone! I got to meet the Easter Bunny the other day...can you believe it? I wasn't afraid at all, but it seems like everyone expected me to be. I'm not sure why though, because he was one cool bunny!

Mommy and Daddy also took me to the Honolulu Zoo last week, it was oh so fun. I am not sure what all of the animals are called, but Mommy and Daddy told me what all of them were as we walked around. I do know that I got to pet a piggy and a goat; what a great time! It was such a fun day, and I can't wait to go back.

I found out that I do have reflux in my urinary tract. I don't mind it, but it sure upset my parents. I was so brave when the doctors did all of my tests too...I didn't even cry when they used that big X-ray machine to take pictures of my insides. Mommy said that I was so brave, she would've bought me ice cream if I were bigger...she better believe that I'm going to hold her to that deal!

I guess the worst part about this whole "reflux" thing is that I have to take yucky medicine every morning after my bottle. It is called "Bactrim", and it's and antibiotic to make sure that my kidneys don't get infected due to my disorder. I have to take it every day until I am potty trained! You betcha' I'm going to try and learn as soon as possible!

Well, enjoy these pictures. Mommy takes A TON OF PICTURES, so I'll pick just a few of the best to put up here.


PS...we're coming to Kentucky soon and I am oh so excited!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It has been quite a while!!

Alooooooha everyone!! It's been a while since I've written, but I've been one busy little girl! Well, Mommy and Daddy say that I'm not too little anymore, as I am only 5 months old and am already wearing some 12 month clothing! Wow...who knew that all those other babies weren't gonna' grow as fast as me??

Let's see here...I've done a lot since I last wrote. I can roll over in both directions, sit up pretty well on my own, and I love to eat veggies and fruit! My favorite veggies are peas and sweet potatoes...but sweet potatoes give me some major gas. I sound like an 80 year old man lettin' em rip, I promise! I think it's hilarious because it makes Mommy and Daddy laugh A LOT. :-) I love pears and bananas too, especially mixed together! I do NOT like green beans though...they made me gag and puke all over the place. Seriously. Carrots are "okay", but not as good as peas!!

The biggest thing on Mommy and Daddy's minds is my recent urinary tract infection. I got a fever one day and they had to take me to the emergency room. I was so brave and not scared at all, but I could tell that Mommy and Daddy were. Everything was going smooth until the mean ol' nurses had to stick a tube in me to get some pee-pee. Not once, but TWICE they did this! I cried and cried, and so did Mommy. I was really brave though, and I was not half as scared as Mommy and Daddy were.

Apparently, I have more tests that need to be run. Mommy and Daddy are taking me back to the hospital on March 10th for an ultrasound of my urinary tract. That means another catheter. I have been on antibiotics since my ER visit and there is no more infection, which is great. I feel like a million bucks and haven't been in a bad mood or anything. In fact, I am loving life!

I love, love, love to talk. Too bad no one can understand what I am saying!!! I talk all day long, and it is quite entertaining to Mommy and Daddy, but they're just not quite understanding the depth of my conversations, it seems. One day soon enough, I'll be talking their ears off.

I am soooooo excited about going to visit all of my family within the next few months. Everyone knows that we are coming, but no one knows WHEN we are coming, so it's a big surprise. I cannot wait to see the looks on everyones face when they see how big I've gotten!! YAY!

Okay, I'm closing for now. Too much writing for one 5 month old. I love you all!

xoxoxoxo ~Cadence~

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas, Cereal, & THE BEACH!

WHEW!!! It has been a very eventful past few weeks! I found out that Santa was indeed as cool as Mommy said he was...can you believe that he came here and left me all sorts of presents? He got into my house, gave me wonderful gifts, and departed...all while I was asleep!! I guess that's where that whole "he sees you when you're sleeping" bit comes into play, because I have a feeling he wouldn't have shown up if I was still awake! I did wake up early on Christmas morning though...a whole hour and 15 minutes early!
I got a really great Baby Einstein Activity Center...and let me tell you, I love it! I feel like such a big girl in it because I am able to stand up, move around, push buttons, rattle rattles, and chew on teethers...all in one spot! It's like my very own baby command center! I also got my very own pink Bumbo, which I sit in all the time. Mommy puts me in it every morning for brunch and I can sit up so well in it. Santa is the best!

Speaking of brunch, I am eating rice cereal like a champ now. It tastes soooooo yummy! The first day Mommy fed it to me, I think she was worried that I wouldn't be able to swallow it. But I sure fooled her! I grabbed that spoon right out of her hand and shoved it in my mouth. She even got it on tape because she thought it was so funny. I get my cereal for brunch...usually around 9am or so every morning. It really helped me out during my growth spurt too, because I was very hungry all the time, no matter how much milk I drank. Mommy knew I needed more food I guess, because I didn't even have to ask!

Mommy and Daddy took me to the beach today. I've been before, but I never got to get in the water. Today was the big day! I am officially a BEACH BABY!! I loooooove the water! I got to play in a little stream over to the edge of the ocean, and I even got to play in the sand where the waves rush up. So exciting! Mommy put lots of sunscreen on me, a hat, and a little bathing suit. She said the bathing suit was to cover my boobies, but Daddy says that I don't have those and never will. :-) I guess we will see!

Enjoy the pictures! I have had so much fun over the past few weeks...this life just keeps getting better and better!