Saturday, December 20, 2008


Mommy and Daddy have been getting ready for this Santa guy for quite some time now, so I am beginning to think that he is a pretty big deal! They put up a big ol' tree and decorated it very pretty with lights and such, put up these great stockings (mine has a little ballerina on it!), and Mommy even sings about this Santa character and how he is coming to town and that he sees me when I'm sleeping. Well, I finally got to meet this guy, and I didn't think much of him either way. He was very nice and jolly, but I didn't really understand how he can do all of the things that Mommy sings about in that song! Either way, it was pretty nice to finally meet here are some pictures of the event. Mommy, Daddy, and I also got our first real family picture taken! Aren't we such a beautiful family?!?!? MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!


GStanton said...

I wish Santa was delivering that sweet little package to KY for Christmas. We miss Baby Cadence sooo much....oh, and her Daddy and Mommy too!!!!!

Danna said...

What a wonderful picture! How did you get my brother to look so nice??? ;)

Unknown said... guys make such a perfect family...and Cadence, just so you know...just because I am not there doesn't mean I don't love you. You are absolutely gorgeous and don't let anybody tell you different...with love, Karin.
P.S. Enjoy your first Christmas, wish I were there to celebrate with you and your Mommy and Daddy!